Frequently Asked Questions

Is Warren Worx only for the City of Warren?

No, Warren Worx is a Warren County initiative to help combat the population decline across the entire county, not just the City of Warren.

Why do we need to rebrand Warren County?

Warren County needs to come together to plan and act collaboratively and efficiently across all sectors to help change the trajectory of our population decline and economic downturn. This challenge is larger than any one municipality or organization to overcome and a clear approach must be implemented to ensure success. 

Through this new brand platform, we can:

  • Consistently apply branding in all business and tourism marketing and communication efforts

  • Communicate with one voice, both inside and outside of Warren County, with focused messaging, highlighting the strengths and opportunities in Warren County.

What do you mean by branding? Is it just a logo?

Branding is the process of creating a distinct identity, centered on the look, feel and experience of a community - including name, design and a unique narrative for your community that supporters can rally behind. Often time, brands are perceived as just a logo, but a brand also encompasses:

  • How you feel

  • The experience you create

  • Your reputation

  • The promise

  • Your Story

  • How you communicate

  • Your Culture

  • What sets you apart - differentiation

  • Vision - long term aspirations and goals

How can I get involved with Warren Worx?

Each month, there are two public meetings held for Warren Worx. The stakeholder meetings take place on the second Wednesday of each month in various locations across the county starting at 5:30 p.m. The Warren Worx Executive Committee meeting is held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at the Warren City Municipal Building starting at 7:30 a.m. To view the meeting schedule and past meeting minutes, click here.

When will the new Warren County brand launch?

The new brand is slated to launch 1st quarter of 2025. A more solidified timeline will be available as we finalized all the details around the actual launch.