Together as one team…
one Warren County

The Warren County Chamber of Business & Industry, in partnership with Warren County and the City of Warren, is spearheading an initiative aimed at combating the decline in population throughout Warren County called Warren WORX. Per the Center for Rural PA, Warren County is facing an 11% population decrease by the year 2050.

Warren WORX is a new way of collaborating for our local municipalities, municipal governments, businesses, and non-profits, to come together to look at opportunities, challenges, and projects to creatively make sure that Warren County is a community of desire for residents and businesses for future generations.

What is Warren Worx?

Branding Initiative

Warren County needs to come together to plan and act collaboratively and efficiently across all sectors to help change the trajectory of our population decline and economic downturn. This challenge is larger than any one municipality or organization to overcome and a clear approach must be implemented to ensure success. 

To help aid in this initiative, a branding firm and a marketing director have been hired. To learn more about the team, click the link below.

Warren Worx holds meetings the second Wednesday of each month at various locations across the county. These meetings are open to the public and also serve as working sessions for identified issues we can tackle. Click the link below to view notes from past meetings and our upcoming meeting schedule.

How can you get involved?

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is a success.”

-Henry Ford


Feel free to contact us with any questions or share a story about the history of Warren County or a unique experience.


(814) 723-3050 ext. 114